What allows champions to grow into champions? I’m sure it’s the culmination of many factors that ultimately lead to someone’s success. I will often try to give you an insight into the factors that I believe are the greatest contributing factors to anyone’s rise to the top.

I choose to focus on one enormous aspect of success in life… PERCEPTION!

In order for someone to become great, they must learn to only allow positive thoughts to influence our actions. If we constantly allow our minds to be bombarded and influence by the negativity and sensationalism of the modern world, we don’t stand a chance of getting where we want to go.

If you truly want to change your life for the better, change begins with the way you view the world. So many times in life we allow our minds to be so filled up with negativity that the associated feelings and emotions easily creep up on and overwhelm us. Your freedom to choose your perception might be the only true freedom that exists in the world.

Champions MindsetBelieve it or not, there is a positive in EVERY situation, every comment, every failure, every stumble, and even every loss. Looking for those positives can sometime be a challenge at first, but once you train your brain like any habit, it becomes second nature. Just like you’ve trained your brain to expect the worst, so too can you train your brain to accept only the best.

Nothing in life needs to be a stress. Some things can and need to be “a kick in the butt” to remind you to get to work, but that’s all they are.

A true master of their mind will find something in all situations to bring themselves happiness. I call it “finding the joy”.

Find the joy in cardio, find the joy in your crazy workouts, find the joy in helping your crazy co-worker; maybe your kind words can change his life. Find the joy in the parking ticket you just got; you are putting food on the table for someone’s family.

All this being said, at times, it is difficult to avoid all the negative rubbish that is thrown around so vehemently in the media, and society as a whole. Sometimes choosing to accept that which you cannot change is a great tool.

Sometimes you have to accept that which you cannot change; and that in itself is a valuable tool to have.

One of the ways I’ve learned to implement an attitude of positive perception in life, is to take on an attitude of gratitude. Start each day with 3 minutes of gratitude. I do this while still laid in bed. You can find thousands of things to be grateful for, if you want to.

Conversely, you can probably also find thousands of things to complain about, the CHOICE, is yours! Perception in the key!

Treat every day as a learning experience. As a test of life’s lessons. The best books and quotes are only effective if you actually apply and implement them into your journey through life.

I know this may all sound a bit cheesy, and perhaps it seems like it might not work to change your life. But take it from me, regardless of the things in life that you cannot control, if you take control of the things in life that you CAN control, you WILL lead a happy life for the short time you spend on this planet.

Practice finding the joy in the small things in life and change the way you look at things. You will find that the things you look at change. Joy will present itself everywhere you turn.

There is no point in waking up each day and resigning yourself to a negative attitude and being grumpy about life. Find the positive, find the joy, alter your outlook and change it!

What Do You Think?

1 thought on “CHAMPION’S MINDSET”

  1. I positively look for and take in every i can find by Bpac because i know that it will ultimately have a positive impact, not only on my training and goals but on my personal life too..

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