3 weeks “down undah” -HypertrophyMAX Bootcamps take over Australia

3 weeks of HypertrophyMAX muscle bootcamps. Im sure the camp attendees should be the ones complaining about being tired after being annihilated by 10 workouts in 5 days BUT…. 2 workouts each day, 3+hrs of seminars each day and a whole lot of barking out orders and keeping the guys and ladies motivated to bring their best and get outside their comfort zone. I was exhausted! 😉

We started the Aussie tour in Gold Coast with a 5 day seminar that was nothing short of amazing. 17 guys pushed their physical and mental limits with some of the most grueling workouts many of them had ever seen. You all know by now that im a very big advocate of execution and form, so once I drilled some new techniques and theory into them and eliminated the natural cheating that they were all using to get through their workouts before this week, I think they realized what it meant to leave their egos at the door. I cant speak highly enough about this entire group. No one quit. No one complained. They just soldiered on and came each day ready to rumble. I usually expect a few no shows after day 2 –double leg workouts (and their legs are already sore from some little “ball builder” workouts I had them endure on day 1). After 5 days of training, and learning about my training philosophies the guys were all ready for a few days off and some serious refeeding, and I was off to the next camp in Perth.

Perth was 2-three day camps back to back. Two very distinct and different groups. Camp 1 was really great learning experience for me. Certainly the most quiet group I had ever instructed, I really enjoyed having to instruct such a diverse group of people. The gym this camp was held at is known for being very controlling of their members and clients and very closed minded to new training modalities. By the end of the 3 day camp, I would have to believe that every person in that gym had opened their eyes and their minds to the idea of proper biomechanical training, and maximizing tension to optimize body composition versus what they were used to “strength training” to maximize body comp. It is always incredibly rewarding to have more than half the class call your course “life changing”. Thank you to all that attended in Perth, I really enjoyed working with each and every one of you. Perth was also great for me because I got to reacquaint with some great friends and make a couple new ones in the process. Aaron, Bronwyn, Amy, Alex, Alice, Vlado and Bernadette, thank you all for making my time in Perth run completely smoothly and for being such great people. I enjoyed our time together and consider you all life long friends.

After Perth it was off to Sydney for a 6 day camp at Clean Health Gym. Owner Daine Macdonald runs one incredible facility. Extremely educated and professional are Daine and each one of his fit and ripped trainers. Many of Clean health’s trainers joined in the camp to show that they could walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Walk they did(well, maybe more accurately lunge! ;)) One of the great assets of this beautiful downtown Sydney gym is its incredibly long and steep alley way right out the back door. Perfect for some patented BPak torture sessions lunging up AND down the hill (try it..its nasty!) Day 1 of the camp was all theory, getting them primed and prepared for the 5 days of focused hypertrophy work to come. This was definitely the most educated group ive trained in awhile. Every single person had extremely intelligent questions to ask that kept me on my toes. By the end of the 6 days I was sure they had had enough. Every one was limping around and moving gingerly from the inevitable full body DOMS. Strangely enough, when we proposed adding an extra day to the course, every one jumped on the idea and were quick to confirm their spots with payment. I guess the camp was a success 😉

The only 3 days I did have off were spent on long cross country flights.

I decided to take 3 weeks off training when I realized just how expensive it would be to feed myself if I were training at full capacity while I visited the beautiful country done under. Well, that’s only half true. The food costs about double what it is in North America, but my decision to take some time off training was more based on the fact that I knew I needed to take some time off after the Olympia and no better time than when youre way out of your routine, as well as teaching from 9-5 every day. Besides, all that yelling wore me out!

A special thanks to owner of Myoflex Gym, Andy Bell for organizing this trip and all of these courses. Andy and I spent just about 24hrs a day together over the 3 weeks and I think he only wanted to kill me the last night when we ended up having to share a hotel room because the hotel was otherwise sold out. Andy proceded to tell me and some friends at dinner the next day about his waking up in the night fearful that I was being attacked by a bear yielding a chainsaw. (very funny, Andy ;))

Thanks for everything Andy. Youre a solid guy with a bright future.

THere will be plenty of pictures and updates to come so stay tuned on the site.

Andy and I are already organizing the next round of camps for March. As always take some time comment below and share and “like” the blog.

Thanks guys and gals!


What Do You Think?

13 thoughts on “3 weeks “down undah” -HypertrophyMAX Bootcamps take over Australia”

  1. Pak, bro, I am, you can say, more of a FOLLOWER of you than a fan.

    Would be lovely if someday you come to Kolkata, India, for one of your grueling and educational camps. In India, there is a huge potential, but lax knowhow.

    Please do let me know if something can be done. Keep up the excellent work bro !!!


  2. Loved the course Ben! It has substantially broadened my training horizons + put 6kg on me! Dave and I flew over to the Gold Coast from NZ and really enjoyed all the pain and suffering. Looking forward to more next year!

  3. Hey BPak!

    Is there any chance that you do this kind of Bootcamp in Canada (TO) or even in States any time soon? Would love to attend one of your bootcamps! BTW doing Hypertrophy MAX right now, incredible program seeing amazing results! Keep the great work!

  4. I am keen as, will have to start saving hardcore, i only have enough now after a year of saving to attend a 3 day course! need to get serious. Keep us informed

  5. Aloha-Just wanted to say what a great job you did guest posing in Hawaii and that it was very cool to meet you. Hope to see you back in the islands soon!

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